Saturday, 17 August 2013

Hidden sorrow

What are you going through ? or why ?
It pains me, seeing you sad
my friend.

An un imaginable agony I feel
through your sorrow ?
and I feel helpless.

Cant I be the friend
Making you smile like a flower 

that bloom in spring.

I wish I would be there to wipe,
the tears but no way to know
Where your sorrows are hidden?

Saturday, 13 July 2013

A Rebirth.

The seed of love in blood and flesh 
turned your womanhood
graciously meaningful.
You will cherish
watching him grow like HIM
to a manhood before your eyes
with a satisfaction, a Satisfaction
that only a mother could feel.

He is a gift to HIM . A part of HIM,
Who made HIM complete .
A completeness HE longed 
to live an eternity celebrating
looking HIM through his smile.
The moments of bliss HE feels
is a rebirth given to HIM again
through your motherhood.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Morning Mist

The feeling of your touch
Still remains fresh 
Though it was short lived,
Like the December morning mist
That disappeared quickly
As the sun rose in the horizon

The tenderness of your touch
is like an early morning fog.
I  still feel  it in my dream

that helping me live till  date 

and I find no words to  express.

My dear girl, you are gone

But you linger in me
with your last parting smile

giving the freshness in me
like the early morning mist
that I look forward every day